Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shrimp Stir Fry $8.65

This was actually a lunch I whipped up, and it required not much knowledge or skill in the stir fry department. When cooking sometimes, improvising is a must. I had a taste for stir fry, and thumbing through some recipes, I decided I had enough ingredients to make it happen, just not all the ingredients. In this stirfry the first Item I was missing was a wok, but ok, I just used a fry pan. It worked. Some recipes I found called for fish sauce, so that was ommited. I actually made my sauce with chicken broth and soy sauce. A bunch of recipes called for sugar to be added to that combo, but I just didnt add it. Who needs the extra carbs? I used instant rice, and the whole meal took less then 20 minutes.
2 cups rice .85
2 tablespoons soy sauce .10
1 cup chicken broth .50
1 tablespoon olive oil .15
1 cup canned peas $1.10
1/4 cup canned mushrooms .49
20 shrimp $1.40
2 tsp garlic powder .05
1 egg(beaten) .10
prepare instant rice according to directions
heat skillet and add olive oil peas and mushrooms, saute for 5 minutes on medium, add egg and saute until egg is fully cooked
lower heat and add soy sauce, chicken broth, garlic powder and saute 5 more minutes
add shrimp for a few minutes
serve over rice, add water chestnuts if desired or sold at our local convenient store

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