Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Whitefish topped in a Cilantro Lime Pesto with mixed greens $4.04

Well this is a double cilantro week, and i still have some cilantro left. I spent $1.29 on a bunch of cilantro and because it packs such a big flavor, not alot is required and hence, I need to keep finding used for it. I made this pesto in about 3 minutes, and got a great reaction from my diners, and the beauty of it is, I cut out a lot of oil, so the fat content was low. I used lime juice and water to liquify the pesto, and that worked great. The pesto was great on fish but I am certain it would be awesme on chicken as well.

1 cup cilantro(minced very fine) .70
1 tablespoon olive or canola oil .30
2 clove garlic .15
1 medium lime(juice) .20
1 teaspoon honey .10
1/2 small onion .20
salt and pepper .10
4 pieces whitefish $2.99

in food processor combine cilantro, oil, garlic, lime, honey, onion, blend until smooth and add 1/4 cup waterand blend, add salt and pepper to taste
top each peice fish evenly and bake at 300 for 15 minutes

Here's the Heron's picture... remarkably similar. I put a few walnuts in my pesto. You can see a bit of that coming thru on my whitefish - wich I pan fried in a large non-stick frying pan for about 4 minutes per side. Awesome, fast, cheap and easy. This was great!

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