I have been thinking about this meal since I met with Kim last Thursday to come up with our dinner menu and grocerylist. It is truly one of my favorite pasta dishes, and oh so easy to prepare.
The ingredient list is short, and btw, Farfalle is my noodle of choice for this entre, but by no means a must. As in any pasta dish, any noodle is acceptable, whether its a preference, or it was on sale, or all one has in thier kitchen.
1 lb pasta .99
1/2 cup olive oil .25
2 tablespoons minced garlic, or two minced garlic cloves .10
10oz spinach, fresh or frozen $1.99
2 cups cannellini beans(or another form of white bean) can or dry*.69
1/2 cup parm cheese .40
Total $ 4.42
Boil noodles according to instructions
Heat 1/4 oil in skillit on low. Add garlic and saute 5 minutes, add in spinach.
continue to cook on low, stiring occasionally.
If spinach is fresh, cover with lid, until spinach is all wilted, approx 10 minutes.
in last few minutes of cooking, add beans, and mix all together.
Drain pasta noodles, combine in skillet with spinach and bean combo, add remaining olive oil.
toss and add salt and pepper to taste.
remove from heat, and add parm cheese.
* I have always bought beans from a can, and thought they were the same as dried beans, and then I tried beans my sister inlaw had bought dried, and had soaked overnight, and I noticed a much more flavorful taste, and upon further research, they taste less salty as well, not to mention much, much cheaper. So when I remember, I buy the dried beans and soak them overnight, then I boil them for a half hour, and shazam!! I have fresh beans, and lots of them. I am not sure if this is true b/c I always forget to weigh them, but the beans sure seem to multiply in size, after soaking and boiling.
This is julie.. I luv this pasta w/ beans. Yummy!