Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shrimp Coctail, corn tomato salsa, andMohitos $5.78

Seems like a big menu? not really, I think I prepared everything on this menu in less then 30 minutes, and didnt even have to fire up the oven or stove. There is a restuarant in the city that prepares and serves only food that hasnt and doesnt need to be cooked. The premise is that when heating food, valuable nutrients are lost. I had a salsa similar to this corn and tomato salsa, so I thought I would try to duplicate it. It came out great and truly, it could be adapted with so many other varieties of fresh vegetables. This was a perfect meal for a hot August night.
medium cooked shrimp tail on(30 count) $2.99
1 cup coctail sauce .40
1 cup frozen corn thawed .30
1 medium tomato .30
1 avocado ripe but not soft .79
2 tblsp cilantro .20
1 tbsp mint .20
3 medium limes .40
6 cups water
1/3 cup sugar .20

rinse and thaw out shrimp
arrange on a platter or in individual serving bowls
serve with coctail sauce
for salsa:
doced tomato, corn, salsa, and cilantro
squeeze juice of one lime, mix all together
For Mohito
in blender pour water and juice from both limes
add sugar, mint
serve over ice with mineral water, lemonade, rum(if you are an adult and would like)
I drink it with regular tap water 1/2 mohito, 1/2 water and ice- so refreshing!

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