Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grand Total for the week-a whopping $ 38.95

Yes, I had to double check my numbers several times, but when I really think about it, it makes sense. I really and truly went to the grocery store for my 7 dinners last week once, and once only, and I believe my total came to somewhere near $45.00, I still have partial items still left over from last weeks grocery shopping. What is truly so amazing, is our dinners are really good, the recipe are simple, fresh tasting and healthy. $38.97 is less then I would spend on ordering two large pizzas!! I cant wait to do my shopping tomorrow for next week!!


  1. Wow!! $38...can't believe it, I easily spend $100 per week at walmart! Your blog is going to help me save lots of $$$$!! Thanks!

  2. cool! I used to spend a lot too, but I think the key is to have a dinner plan for the week when I go shopping. I dont waste money on food I am not going to use, and I am really aware of using all leftover ingredients. An added bonus is a hot, healthy meal everynight for dinner for you and your family!
