Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Cranberry Bread

Its officiually pumpkin season!! I think pumkin doesnt get all the credit it deserves! Its number 1 and 2 uses are carved and decoraed for Halloween, and pumpkin pie. Its bright color indicates that it is full of nutrients, including Vitamin A, E, K, fiber, beta carotene. Also, suprisingly to many, there are many ways to use pumkin in recipes. Pie is just one, bread, muffins, cake, pasta, rice, smooties, latte, pumkin butter and many more. Im thinking in the next month we will explore many recipes using canned pumpkin. Today, I am making pumkin bread with cranberries. The cake is loaded with nutrients, and fairly low in fat because the pumpkin puree contributes most of the moisture.
I doubled my recipe because I didnt want to waste a half of a can of pumpkin puree. So this recipe yields two loaves of bread. I gave one to a friend, but I certainly could have froze it as well. The results were really good.
preheat oven to 350
2 1/4 cup flour
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 salt
2 eggs
2 cups white sugar
1 can 15 oz pumpkin puree
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup chopped walnuts(optional)

combine flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, salt in a mixing bowl, beat in a mixing bowl-egg, sugar, pumpkin puree, when done mixing, mix all together
fold in cranberries and walnuts
mix another minute until fruit and walnuts evenly mixed
pour in two 9 x 5 bake pans
put in prebaked oven for 50-60 minutes.
remove from oven and let cool for an hour
slice and serve, mmmm goooooood

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